Monday, August 27, 2012

Written August 25th, 2012

The countdown is at 6 days! WAHOO! But it still seems like forever. My last visit (which was 2 days ago) I was 2 cm dilated and 60% effaced. So I'm progressing but this doctor (a different one) said it doesn't mean much. :( Booo! I want to meet him soon! At least things are moving and changing though. I can't believe my due date is 5 days away in just two more hours. My hope is that I'm not overdue or late, yuck! Induced sounds awful. So come on Brady, we're rooting for you, we are ready to meet you. Tonight when Maddy was taking a bath she was talking to herself and said, "Mommy can't swim with me, she has tummy in baby. I swim by myself." Awww, little lady has heard me say too many times I can't do ______ because I have a baby in my tummy. She seems to understand that Brady is in my tummy and she is really familiar with his name. In the car she points to his side and says, "Brady sits there!" and when we are in his room she says, "Brady's Room!". OHHH I just can't wait!!!!

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