Monday, August 27, 2012

Brady Predictions: BRADY BRACKET

This is everyone's guesses for Brady's due date, time and pounds. As of now (August 27th) we are down to 5 people.... Here is everyone's guesses- thanks for those of you playing. Winner gets a starbucks gift card that will be mailed to you! Good luck- and I hope my date is wrong and one of you is right! If you have the same date as someone else, we'll just go by time. (Pounds/Ounces) were just for fun! Love- Jyoti and Chris Michelle Davis: August 10th, 3:30, 6lbs 12 oz Diane Cavallo August 13th, 23:55 7 lbs Marianne Park: August 14, 9:32 p.m. 7 lbs 6 oz Mike Canton: August 15th 12:30 pm 6lbs 10oz Chris Canton August 16th 4:30, 7 lbs 1 oz Roberta Canton August 17th, 1:17pm 6 lbs 4 oz Sarah Bristol: aug 17that 5:45 pm :) 6lbs 8oz Leslie Canton: August 18th, 3pm; 7lbs 10oz Lisa B: August 19th, noon, 6lbs 6oz, Erika Chamberlain: August 20, 3:52 pm, 7 lb., 3.2 oz Kay/Mom Totten: August 21, 7 lbs 7 oz Stephanie Park: August 23, 9:36 pm, 7lb 3oz Aunt Valerie Balun: August 26th at 8:14am. 8 lb 8 oz Jeff Bristol: Aug 27th. 2:23 am 7 lbs 1oz Bob Totten: August 27th at 3 am. Weight: 7 lb 8 oz. Jackie: August 28th at 11:30 a.m Lisa Keating: August 28th, noon 8lbs 30oz Christy Balun: Aug 29th, 2:32 Jyoti's: August 30th 6pm, 7 lbs 5 oz Actual Due Date: August 31st.

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