Monday, August 27, 2012

Baby Shower: August 12th, 2012

Baby Shower Pics: July 14th 2012 Oregon Duck Theme/Sports Theme

Early Pregnancy Photos

Brady Predictions: BRADY BRACKET

This is everyone's guesses for Brady's due date, time and pounds. As of now (August 27th) we are down to 5 people.... Here is everyone's guesses- thanks for those of you playing. Winner gets a starbucks gift card that will be mailed to you! Good luck- and I hope my date is wrong and one of you is right! If you have the same date as someone else, we'll just go by time. (Pounds/Ounces) were just for fun! Love- Jyoti and Chris Michelle Davis: August 10th, 3:30, 6lbs 12 oz Diane Cavallo August 13th, 23:55 7 lbs Marianne Park: August 14, 9:32 p.m. 7 lbs 6 oz Mike Canton: August 15th 12:30 pm 6lbs 10oz Chris Canton August 16th 4:30, 7 lbs 1 oz Roberta Canton August 17th, 1:17pm 6 lbs 4 oz Sarah Bristol: aug 17that 5:45 pm :) 6lbs 8oz Leslie Canton: August 18th, 3pm; 7lbs 10oz Lisa B: August 19th, noon, 6lbs 6oz, Erika Chamberlain: August 20, 3:52 pm, 7 lb., 3.2 oz Kay/Mom Totten: August 21, 7 lbs 7 oz Stephanie Park: August 23, 9:36 pm, 7lb 3oz Aunt Valerie Balun: August 26th at 8:14am. 8 lb 8 oz Jeff Bristol: Aug 27th. 2:23 am 7 lbs 1oz Bob Totten: August 27th at 3 am. Weight: 7 lb 8 oz. Jackie: August 28th at 11:30 a.m Lisa Keating: August 28th, noon 8lbs 30oz Christy Balun: Aug 29th, 2:32 Jyoti's: August 30th 6pm, 7 lbs 5 oz Actual Due Date: August 31st.

Written August 25th, 2012

The countdown is at 6 days! WAHOO! But it still seems like forever. My last visit (which was 2 days ago) I was 2 cm dilated and 60% effaced. So I'm progressing but this doctor (a different one) said it doesn't mean much. :( Booo! I want to meet him soon! At least things are moving and changing though. I can't believe my due date is 5 days away in just two more hours. My hope is that I'm not overdue or late, yuck! Induced sounds awful. So come on Brady, we're rooting for you, we are ready to meet you. Tonight when Maddy was taking a bath she was talking to herself and said, "Mommy can't swim with me, she has tummy in baby. I swim by myself." Awww, little lady has heard me say too many times I can't do ______ because I have a baby in my tummy. She seems to understand that Brady is in my tummy and she is really familiar with his name. In the car she points to his side and says, "Brady sits there!" and when we are in his room she says, "Brady's Room!". OHHH I just can't wait!!!!

Written August 14th, 2012

I'm 1 1/2 cm dilated and 50% effaced (and softer). The doctor (Dr. Mary Knox) predicts that Brady will come around 39 weeks. So I am 0-16 days away! Yay!

Written July 30th

.5 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Lots of contractions

Written July 20th, 2012

Today I lost some or all of my mucus plug and I had a lot of contractions. I'm suppose to take it easy and call the doctor on Monday. So it's 0 days or 41 days until we meet Brady (or longer if he's late!).

Written July 8th 2012 for Brady Michael Canton

54 days left or 7 weeks and 5 days left! So close yet so far away. Today he kicked, rolled and hick-uped lots. I have tons of heart burn too. I need to walk more. Maddy is the same, busy and naughty. She has taken a toy from Brady (a little Duckie) and says it's hers now. Hmmmmm....I think this is a sign on future problems! :)