Thursday, November 8, 2012

10 weeks

Brady is about the cutest boy ever. He chats with us, smiles, coos and even swings his arms to hit his hanging toys. (In his bouncer). He kicks his legs when he is happy and sometimes he kicks so hard he looks likes he's running away.
His typical schedule is this (I'm writing this down to help me too):
8/9 wake up and eat
Play time
9/10 eats again (very hungry because of the night so I give him 4 more ounces)
12 eats
Plays/wake time
1 eats another ounce or so and then goes to nap
3/3:30 awakes and feeds
Plays/ wake time, cat naps
5/6 eats
7/8 eats
9 goes to bed
11 dream feeds about 2 ounces but we are in the process of stopping this soon
Wakes again at 8
Can you say AMAZING baby :)

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