Saturday, October 20, 2012

Seven Weeks and 1 day (Chris counts days, so 50 days old)!

Brady Brady Brady...nicknames so far (and some have no reason they just come out): Buddy, Chicken Nugget, Buddy bear, Lil'man, Dude, cutie patootie.

This week flew by, Brady had his first time away from mommy that wasn't with family. Our friend Amber Davis watched him for 3 hours and Nancy Gifford watched him for 2 so I could do parent teacher conferences on Wednesday. (Chris had youth group) Also our neighbor Nancy Goodyear watched Brady for 30 min. when Chris and I were trying to get Maddy to gymnastics and Chris to a dr. Appt.
Needless to say, I missed him so much! Maddy will be ready to go back to Marisol's because she's so social and loves Marisol's but little Brady will be hard to leave! Luckily I have four weeks left, then thanksgiving break and then Grandma Canton up here to watch him.

Updates: his diaper rash is a lot better, yay! Not 100% but maybe 60% better. He sleeps anywhere from 5-8 hours at night. Usually we get him down at 9:30 ish, dream feed at 11, asleep at 11:30/12:00 and then he awakes around 5 or 6 am most morning to feed but goes back down until 9. Perfect! Some days he's done the whole night until 8 am. He coos more and is awake more. He also flips from tummy to back easily (he does not like tummy time).

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