Saturday, September 29, 2012

4 weeks!

-Sleeps about 4-7 hours at a time. Usually falls asleep around 11-11:30 and wakes up once a night. We've had an 8 hour sleep night, that was crazy!!
-is alert more but still sleeps
-consistently naps when Maddy naps in the afternoon. Yay!
-eating more and burping more. Even spit up sometimes yucky!
-pretty good with the bottle too!

Brady met my class for the first time this week. He loves being in the baby carrier or baby wrap. He instantly falls asleep. He also falls asleep in the carseat too. He is wearing size 3month is some onesies. Getting bigger and longer!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

3 weeks old!

Brady is:
-trying to turn to his side
-sleeps about 4-5 hours at a time at night
-awake more but still sleeps a lot!
-looks at us more
-getting bigger. He was 8 lbs 4 oz a week ago, even bigger now
-eats well and eats a lot!
And he's getting cuter and handsomer everyday!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sleep, sleep, sleep!!!

Brady is such a great sleeper. He has been doing 3-6 hour stretches at night which is amazing!!! We started Baby-wise with him and he really has caught on to the feeding and eating routine. Napping during the day is still hard for him but he sleeps during the day when he wants to and he's only 13 days old! It's super nice when Maddy and him
Nap and sleep at the same time. I hope he continues at night because it's amazing what good sleep can do! He'a such a super laid back little
Baby, super relaxed
And easy going most of the time. Hope it continues!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Big Sister!

Happy Birthday Brady!

Brady Michael Canton was born on August 31st, 2012 at 11:24 pm. He weighed 7lbs 15oz and was 21 inches long.

Labor was 9 hours long and there was 25 minutes of pushing. His shoulder got stuck and he broke his left clavicle. He isn't in any pain and it will heal on its own. Brady also had jaundice like his sister and wore a Billi-blanket for two days. He is a good eater and sleeper for his age.

How it happened:
2:00 checked in at St. Vincent's hospital in Portland, OR
3:00 IV's and antibiotic given, I was at 5cm dilated and 95% effaced.
6:30 epidural and 6 cm dilated
11:00 began pushing
11:24 Happy Birthday Brady!!

Visited by: Mamaw Totten, Papaw Totten, Aunt Leslie, Gramma Bobbie, Cassie, Dori, Jen and Kyle Geizler, Michelle Davis and Maddy

Later visits by: Grandpa Mike, Pastor Kevin Donley, Davis Family, Martin Family, Shelley Elliot, Cooper Family